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what YOU can do

Find out how severe the situation is. If you are worried about their safety call 9-1-1. 

Ask why they do it & how it makes them feel. Try to determine what the need fills. 

See if you can make a safety plan with the individual.

Remove access to sharp or dangerous objects. 

Let them know you are there for them - that your priority is to keep them safe. 

WHO can help

Call Child Protective Services if the individual is a child and you believe they have been abused. 

Domestic and Sexual Violence Services serves Carbon and Stillwater counties. DSVS serves individuals, families and communities impacted by physical, sexual and emotional abuse and to promote healthy, equitable and violence-free relationships. 

A clinic or emergency healthcare provider is able to evaluate and determine the appropriate level of care. The patient will go through a medical screening process so medical providers can determine the best treatment based on the patient’s needs. This may include referral to a mental health professional or hospitalization.

Medical or Emergency Care

Carbon County Connect Coordinator Contact Information

(406) 446-2820

All businesses and services listed are independently owned and operated. The Red Lodge Area Community Foundation does not endorse or guarantee any services provided and cannot be held liable for any claims/damages that may arise from services rendered or from agreements between the client and professional.

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